Be publicized
Kwok Ling Lee, Lee Jennifer
In order to bring small changes and encourage businesses in an unchanging street, an artist took it upon themselves to design quirky and fun posters and put them up for the shop owners. Description: The artist designed promotional posters specifically for some of the stores surrounding the Fudolai Mall and proceeded to paste them on their metal shutters during the time when most shops were still closed. For the already open shops, the artist chose to enter and explain the concept to the owners, offering them our designed posters as a 'little gift.' Although neither of the two shops had put up the posters, they both accepted this 'small gift.'
為了令一成不變的街道帶來微小的改變和鼓勵店舖營業,藝術家 擅自設計了搞怪有趣的海報並為店家貼上。描述:藝術家在圍繞 富多來商場附近的街道的一些地鋪設計了屬於它們的宣傳海報。 並且趁着大部分店舖尚未開店的時間,在它們的鐵閘上張貼。若 已經開了店的店舖,藝術家則選擇進店和店主解釋並把我們設計 的海報送給他們。雖然兩間店舖都沒有張貼上海報,但他們都送 下了這份「小禮物」。