Letter to...

Ching Ngo Long, Li Wing Chi


Recycling paper made with the floral materials collected from the funeral flower wreath, letters from the participants

This project has been launched in Tai Kok Tsui with the aim of reducing waste and repurposing floral materials used in Funeral Flower Wreaths and the recycled paper will then be cremated and delivered to the intended recipient, allowing the participants to convey their exact message to the departed.




藉回收大角咀殯儀館丟棄的花牌花朵製成再造紙,再經過Google form或實體邀請民眾寫一封給已逝去的他/她/牠的信件,鼓勵各 位在信中說出一直以來未能說出口的話,信作爲載體承載了人們 對逝者的感受和思念,而拾取的花朵亦與這個過程相呼應。在收 集一定數量的信件後,我們會將信件燒掉並記錄給寫信者,象徵 將信件傳遞到逝者的過程。