Undo as Doing (Flower from the Back Alley)
Chan Ka Wing, Sze Mok Ham
Processed street signs, single-channel digital videos (color, sound), color inkjet clothing
The back alley appears unmanaged, but in reality, it is monitored and surveilled everywhere. However, in certain areas, you can still see its flexible parts. Is it a private or public space? What boundaries are allowed by the authority or surveillance in the back alley? Through the act of "Uudo as Doing," we attempt to push the boundaries and provoke the emergence of regulators, engaging in conversations and negotiations with them.
Undo as Doing (藏詩後巷)
處理過的街招、單頻道數碼錄像 (彩色、有聲)、彩色噴墨衣物
後巷看似無人管理,實則監視與監管處處,但在某些地方仍可看 到它可鬆動的部分,到底它是一個私人還是公共地方?後巷權力 者或監視者所容許的底線 又為何?我們透過《Undo as Doing》的 行為嘗試觸碰其底線,並引誘監管者的出現,與他們進行對話與 拉扯。